기사 메일전송
광복절 한줄 역사철학) 아나키스트, Proundhon
  • 기사등록 2018-08-15 12:07:52
  • 수정 2018-08-15 12:46:49

 The highest perfection  of society is found in  the union of order and anarchy

     - Proundhon

[덧붙이는 글]
Anarchy means a social condition in which no means is subject to the authority and command of another man and group of men. The philosophical basis of anarchist creed is the postulate that "the primary obligation of man is authonomy. the refusal to be ruled." There are two types of social pattern which are characterized by the absence of institutional devices for the creation and maintenance of orderly and regularized governmental processes

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확대이미지 영역
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